Wednesday 30 July 2014

Day 9 - Travel Day

First a big congratulations to Kiribati who got their first ever Commonwealth Games medal...and it was a Gold for the Men's 105kg weightlifting. Automatically put them into 18th place in the Medal Table. So well done!

Last night the overall medal table shows that England leads Australia (based on number of Golds) with great performances in gymnastics and at the athletics

So why is today's blog called a Travel Day if yesterday was the penultimate shift?  Well my final shift is not until Saturday, so I'm going home (have a meeting to go to on Friday) and coming back on Saturday. So there will be no blog tomorrow (Friday)

However will be back blogging on Saturday. After all you are no doubt anxious to find out what the fourth and final goody will be. Well I am!

On Sunday the final blog will be reflections on being part of Glasgow 2014

Today's headlines:

The row about what Bolt did or did not say about Glasgow and the Games continues. More medal successes today will hopefully overshadow it all

On BBC Breakfast they had one of the up for sale on the auction site Tunnoch's teacake props - suggesting it might go for in excess of £1K. You can buy a lot of the real thing for that sort of money 

Screen grabs at time of posting:

This is a bouncy one - hence why only one available 

This is the standard prop


If you want to see what is on offer, go to the Glasgow 2014 website, go to the Shop and then to Auction section

Day 8 - Penultimate Shift - Part 2

Well it's a very overcast day with some strong winds and occasional rain periods The numbers at Pacific Quay have dropped considerably with only the hardy souls watching the big screen. However despite the weather everyone is still enjoying themselves

This is the studio inside the main entrance of BBC Scotland from where the Today at the Games programme is broadcast each evening

All of the flotilla has gone and you can see the empty rundown docks, still with their dock gates closed 

Pacific Quay was developed on the site of disused docks, so there is plenty of opportunity to reinvigorate other parts of the Clyde with new developments. Perhaps that will be a legacy from the Games

BBC R&D has an exhibition at the Science Centre about the possible future of TV, including Ultra High Definition broadcasting via Broadband (pic 1) and Terrestial (pic 2)

On way to shift saw this England Athlete (any ideas who he is and what sport?) with his medal posing for pictures with families outside of the STV studios on the banks of the Clyde

Well at Workforce check in for this penultimate shift it was goody time. First in case you don't know what a Tunnoch's Teacake looks like, we were offered one

However the more lasting goody is this. Can you guess what it is (and no you don't get any prizes for saying 'Clyde')?

It's a USB stick - he pulls apart. Apparently there is a message for volunteers on one drive, and the second drive is blank

Before started shift I managed to sneak into see some of the 75kg + female weightlifting. A very noisy supportive crowd in and almost full with spectators. View from top of auditorium

...and menu of the day

It was labelled Chicken Caesar Salad but really if you enforced Trade Descriptions it should have been labelled 'Caesar Salad with (some) Chicken bits. Anyway it was enough

Day 8 - Penultimate Shift - Part 1

So it's the penultimate shift this afternoon/evening

Last night the SSE Hydro had a change of colour, changing to Gold to acknowledge Scotland's record number of Gold Medals

Today's headlines 

For the Class of '73

You need to say the above headline with a Scottish accent

...and from Media Wales:
Here is Part 3 of the History of the Clyde: 

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Day 7 -Rest Day

After a late shift tomorrow, it's a rest day
Today's headlines:

If you want a teacake, they are now available on the Glasgow 2014 Auction website, along with a lot of the Opening Ceremony props. Somehow think the performer above won't be putting in a bid

As it's a rest day, off to the Men's Hockey this afternoon 
Some entertainment at Bridgeton Cross Railway Station - first match this afternoon is Australia v India

Glasgow Green on way to Hockey Centre
Spectator waiting area at Hockey Centre

The results of Men's Pool Matches so far

Another good seat, although it is a bit overcast and we got light showers this afternoon
Main stand (in picture above) is reserved for VIPs, Commonwealth Games Family etc and only holds 500. They have put up temporary seating on the other three sides for a further 4500

Australia v India

Final Score:  Australia 4  India 2

Now it's Wales v South Africa


Final Score

Well they managed to score a goal in the last few minutes. If you look at the results of their pool matches so far, they have lost every one. So at least they were consistent today

...and now to Menu of the Day
As it is a rest day, had a starter and a steak to follow, all served on proper plates and not in compostable trays

Stop Press - just out on BBC Sport website 

Monday 28 July 2014

Day 6 - Shift

So it's been another warm sunny day in Glasgow

For those of you who are interested this is where the Games have been organised  from - Games HQ in Albion St

If you work for Transport Services then you get to drive one of these fleet of Fords (official sponsor) - not quite the cachet of driving BMWs at London 2012 however!

Looking up Argyll St towards Central Station from junction with Albion St (where Games HQ based)

For Australian relatives and friends this is where Network Ten studio is based - at the Scottish Exhibition Centre

Here is Part 2 of the History of the Clyde series

Started shift early as we were short of one team member (personal reasons). One of the highlights of being on Field of Play is meeting International Federation reps and Technical Officials. Have had some very interesting chats with an IF doctor (from Germany). It is also interesting to see how coaches play tactical games - not seen if you are Front of House and probably not obviously from backstage broadcast pictures

From the BBC Scotland website today a weightlifter from Papua New Guinea was in court today charged with sexual assault in a toilet at the Tescos near the Athletes Village. Apparently occurred on 21st and he was in custody but they let him out to compete yesterday!

And now the most important feature of the blog:
Today's Menu

Looks like the fifth item is becoming standard. The ice cream was very welcome, particularly given the increase in temperature today

Finally it was good to meet up with Elizabeth Swain in the workforce break area today. We were both in the same medical school class just a 'few years ago'. She is working in spectator services
Really is a small world