Friday 25 July 2014

Day 3 - Shift

Well it was an early shift today and the first time I was on the Field of Play. If you look at the various venues, FoP is usually a blue colour 
Had an interesting chat with a Federation Medical Doctor, who gave me some interesting background information

Glasgow woke up to the following headlines including a classic from the Scottish Sun!

Well the lunch menu changed slightly today. There was also a choice of a Mars bar!

Shift finished at 3pm and the temperature is 26C. It got one degree higher yesterday

For those of you wondering where the BBC studio is, it is the wooden structure in the picture below. It also has radio studios for BBC local and regional stations

However the late night programme at 1040pm comes from BBC Scotland. It is in part of the front entrance on the ground floor at the very right of the building in picture below

Having spent some time wandering around the centre of Glasgow in the last few days (when not in shift) there is something which is very rare -  ATMs to get cash out. It is more so since there are lots of complaints by spectators being charged £2.50 to withdraw money from the temporary machines at venues 

One tip - there is a free to use ATM in the main reception of BBC Scotland which is accessible to the public - obviously they are fulfilling their duty for public service!

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