Saturday 26 July 2014

Day 4 - Today's Menu

Having a late shift meant I had the opportunity to get lunch outside of venue. So had the following at Pacific Quay:

Haggis, tatties and neeps. Brabeck Haggis not as good as MacSweens or Shetland

At venue a slightly better choice for dinner tonight

We even got a fifth element tonight - a bag of crisps. The salad was beef and horseradish potato - OK but typical UK overcooked beef rather than rare

Finally it was goodie time at check in

Not sure I'd want to plant some thistle seeds to get a recurring Clyde in the garden

Shift finished early at 11pm, and saw a couple of gold and silver medals up close today

A piece of trivia about medal ceremonies - the podium is made of Elmwood for the Gold medalist and Sycamore for the other two medalists. The wood came from sustainable sources

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