Wednesday 30 July 2014

Day 8 - Penultimate Shift - Part 2

Well it's a very overcast day with some strong winds and occasional rain periods The numbers at Pacific Quay have dropped considerably with only the hardy souls watching the big screen. However despite the weather everyone is still enjoying themselves

This is the studio inside the main entrance of BBC Scotland from where the Today at the Games programme is broadcast each evening

All of the flotilla has gone and you can see the empty rundown docks, still with their dock gates closed 

Pacific Quay was developed on the site of disused docks, so there is plenty of opportunity to reinvigorate other parts of the Clyde with new developments. Perhaps that will be a legacy from the Games

BBC R&D has an exhibition at the Science Centre about the possible future of TV, including Ultra High Definition broadcasting via Broadband (pic 1) and Terrestial (pic 2)

On way to shift saw this England Athlete (any ideas who he is and what sport?) with his medal posing for pictures with families outside of the STV studios on the banks of the Clyde

Well at Workforce check in for this penultimate shift it was goody time. First in case you don't know what a Tunnoch's Teacake looks like, we were offered one

However the more lasting goody is this. Can you guess what it is (and no you don't get any prizes for saying 'Clyde')?

It's a USB stick - he pulls apart. Apparently there is a message for volunteers on one drive, and the second drive is blank

Before started shift I managed to sneak into see some of the 75kg + female weightlifting. A very noisy supportive crowd in and almost full with spectators. View from top of auditorium

...and menu of the day

It was labelled Chicken Caesar Salad but really if you enforced Trade Descriptions it should have been labelled 'Caesar Salad with (some) Chicken bits. Anyway it was enough

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