Thursday 24 July 2014

Day 2 - Shift

The first day of competition and 20 medals up for grabs
Looks like the Ceremony last night got the public out looking for tickets. The George Square ticket office had a two hour queue wait at 10.30 this morning
Had time to do a bit of walking around the centre of Glasgow before my shift
You may have seen a reference to this iconic image of Glasgow outside the Museum at Exchange Square at the Opening Ceremony last night

If you walk down this side of the square you come to:
...who is looking at this:
...or did he arrive on it!

Today was supposed to be a rest day (not bad after one day) but some extra help was needed. So had an afternoon shift, which was good in that I met some medal winners (not allowed to identify discipline to maintain confidentiality). As in the Olympics all three were polite, although the bronze medallist was upset at being beaten. But that is the nature of competition!
And now the menu of the day - don't hold your breath

I have a horrible feeling that each day is going to be the same and if you get to the Workforce break area too late the salad options have usually gone. Most important aspect is to be rehydrated at all times
Time for a cold beer now and get ready for early morning shift
Finally congratulations to our Triathlon winners - saw bits of it on television in our venue

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