Wednesday 30 July 2014

Day 9 - Travel Day

First a big congratulations to Kiribati who got their first ever Commonwealth Games medal...and it was a Gold for the Men's 105kg weightlifting. Automatically put them into 18th place in the Medal Table. So well done!

Last night the overall medal table shows that England leads Australia (based on number of Golds) with great performances in gymnastics and at the athletics

So why is today's blog called a Travel Day if yesterday was the penultimate shift?  Well my final shift is not until Saturday, so I'm going home (have a meeting to go to on Friday) and coming back on Saturday. So there will be no blog tomorrow (Friday)

However will be back blogging on Saturday. After all you are no doubt anxious to find out what the fourth and final goody will be. Well I am!

On Sunday the final blog will be reflections on being part of Glasgow 2014

Today's headlines:

The row about what Bolt did or did not say about Glasgow and the Games continues. More medal successes today will hopefully overshadow it all

On BBC Breakfast they had one of the up for sale on the auction site Tunnoch's teacake props - suggesting it might go for in excess of £1K. You can buy a lot of the real thing for that sort of money 

Screen grabs at time of posting:

This is a bouncy one - hence why only one available 

This is the standard prop


If you want to see what is on offer, go to the Glasgow 2014 website, go to the Shop and then to Auction section

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