Saturday 26 July 2014

Day 4 - Shift

Last night we got multiple texts informing us that our rotas had been changed. On checking all they had done was to add an extra hour at the start of our shifts

Now you may think that is a bit of a cheek - but not so. It means that we automatically get our meal tickets, instead of having to demand them (the rules are that you have to have a shift of 6hrs to get one). About two weeks before the Games started our shifts were suddenly dropped to 5 and half hours - probably by a bean counter who has no idea of how to keep your (mainly) volunteer workforce happy and thought it was a smart move. Anyway common sense has prevailed

I forgot yesterday to post the screen shot below

For relatives and friends in Australia, I wonder if the first selfie the Queen photo-bombed has any significance?

Today's shift starts at 5.30 and doesn't finish until midnight. So have had some time to wander the centre to absorb the history and culture of Glasgow. The centre is relatively deserted as everyone must be at the Games. The queue to access the Subway at Argyle St stretched along almost the length of the street itself. Assume they are using the Clockwork Orange (trains are orange and it is a circular loop line - with clockwise and anticlockwise running) to get to Ibrox Stadium for the Rugby sevens

So had a wander around the Merchant City area

Another one but no Clyde this time

And now to the Glaswegian Culture:

An Irn-Bru pop up shop made up from orange painted shipping containers here for two weeks only

Note the change of name - early example of falling foul of Trade Descriptions?

...and then it went East (that is to Edinburgh) and South (Bradford)

Some old advertising posters

And for those who can't resist a purchase 

Anyone for a Onesie?

It's all in a good cause with at least a pound per item going to the above

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